BOACK 2023
Welcome to you all,
We really hope you will participate as competitor or visitor at BOACK 2023.
If you hesitate to participate as 1st time, please find below the link to the Sportsman Known, so you can train and decide.
For the participants in other categories, as you know, you can build your own free known program including the mandatory figures (see attached figures). If you want a default sequence, I propose you to go the the British Aerobatics site ( or the Swiss one (, where sequences are already published for 2023.
If not done yet, let us know of your participation and in which category.
We did not receive any demand for a Training camp, still time but it is soon too late to organise one.
For non-competitors, we hope to see you at the BOACK (arrival and rehearsal on the 29th of June, competition the 30st of june until 2d of July).
If you want just to help the BAC to survive, you can always become a member (50€ for an Effective Member - 25€ for a Supporting Member - 100€ for Membership+FAI license to the BAC account BE06 0682 5168 5422).
The BAC Internet Site still needs totally to be renewed. We could use the Aerobatics section of the Royal Belgian Aero-Club. If you or somebody can help us, thanks to let us know.